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TERMS AND CONDITION for the avoidance of doubt or misrepresentation, terms used within this document are set and defined as follows, “FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD”  register in Hong Kong under registered number **153637** with Hong Kong lending license number **173648645** “Facility” : means an agreement or documentation committing and/or establishing a contract or other formal arrangement including (but not limited to) loan facilities, funding arrangements, structures and investor agreements and may be subject to satisfaction of the agreed terms and conditions as set out therein. 

“Facility Provider” : means any bank, investment group, provider, supplier, fund or person or body corporate who provides the Facility to the principal. “the principal(s)” : means a party as may be defined in covering correspondence attached hereto and who is the party contracting to FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD and who will be the recipient or beneficiary of a Facility.

“Broker” : means where FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD acts within a transaction not as principal or investor but as an intermediary or consultant between principal and an Associated Party or Provider, remunerated by fees and commissions under a Mandate, Instruction, Terms and/or any other agreement if applicable
including Commission Agreements.

“Commission Agreement” or “Fee Agreement” : means an Agreement entered into between FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD and Principal that protects commission and fee payments that may fall due payable to FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD.

Expert Partners” : means third party experts that may be called upon to undertake a work of a specific nature. To include without limitation,
accountants, appraisers/assayers, auditors, surveyors, valuer’s, legal professionals and professionals of a specific field.

“third party” : means any entity corporate or persona which is neither the principal or Company or FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD in an Instruction.

“the business(es)” : means all such activities as may be lawfully conducted by FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD in pursuit of its objectives.

“the transaction(s)” : means any contract or arrangements entered into by (or with) FIRST ASIA FINANCE INT’L LTD with the principal and/or a third party or Associated Parties within the framework of a Facility.

“Quotation” or “indicative terms” : means an indication or estimation of terms or cost quotation relating to any proposed Facility and is non-binding and that presents the principal with an illustration of a Facility that is being contemplated.